LNE  : is France’s notified body. It issues its own LNE Emballage certificates for packaging, and certifies products on behalf of French Standardization Association AFNOR (for the NF mark) and the French Association for Certification of Insulating Materials ACERMI. It is also authorized to award certificates for the German Federal Ministry of Employment (GS mark), the European Standardization Committee CEN (Keymark), the British Retail Consortium and Institute of Packaging BRC/IoP, the European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers FEFCO and the European Solid Board Organisation ESBO.

Founded in 1901 to provide services to industry, LNE was initially part of the the CNAM technology and research institute. Following a 1978 consumer protection law it became a state-owned enterprise, attached to the French Ministry of Industry.

ARPEGE MASTER K is certified by the LNE as a manufacturer of legal-for-trade weighing apparatus and also approved for NAWI servicing. We have the certifications of IPFNA Fabricant and Repair.

MASE : ‘Manual Company Safety Improvement’ is a management system whose goal is continuous improvement and ongoing performance Safety Health Environment businesses.

On December 20th 2007, the MASE and UIC decided to merge towards a “common system”.

It aims to help companies to implement safety management systems :

  • promote a common approach to improve industrial safety (social partners, companies working , user companies , …) while avoiding an inefficient regulatory straitjacket.
  • increase the number of employees benefiting from management systems to authorized security ( beyond those working on Seveso sites).

  • facilitate the integration of management systems to enhance the performance (security, competitiveness , …) of companies working by simplifying the number of referencials.
  • implement , and disseminate the recognition model of management of the common system in France and at European level.

  • sharing efforts among partners namely between user enterprises and companies working (especially in Chemistry ) .
  • promote exchanges between HSC and firms ( interveners and users ) .

ARPEGE MASTER K confirms its commitment to this approach and is MASE certified since 2013

CTVIM was created on 07/01/1988 .

Le CTVIM est une SARL à forme coopérative dont les associés sont des entreprises intervenant dans le domaine du pesage. Ces dernières, afin d’exercer leur activité et de pouvoir répondre efficacement aux évolutions réglementaires et normatives, ont réuni leurs moyens au sein de la coopérative.

The CTVIM is a cooperative whose partners are companies involved in the field of weighing. Later, in order to exercise their activity and respond effectively to regulatory and normative developments, pooled their resources within the cooperative.

Within the framework of actions by the road industry to improve the quality of its services, the Association Weighing Quality Inssurance (AQP) has been created in August 1998 Police Prefecture of Paris.

The association AQP (Weighing Quality Inssurance) mandated the CELOG to audit and qualify central management software asphalts in France.

Created in 1976,  CELOG is an IT independent center of expertise specialised in the intangible evidence domain. Nowadays it benefits many of his professional know-how and experience gained over more than 30 years.

 ARPEGE MASTER K is associated member of the AQP .